Saturday, 21 January 2012

Hello y'all!

Does it move you? What does it make you feel? Does it make you feel anything? I guess this could be answered by a few different responses but I was talking about music. Music plays a part in everything we do.  Good lord, it is even there when you go to restroom, providing that inspirational soundtrack of easy listening while you know.   It lives in the background, the foreground, and all around.  I think that's fascinating.

So what is the goal here then? Really, just to talk about music. When I was a teenager, that's all I all did: consume, think about, talk about, and play music. Now, i'll admit, mostly popular music. I'll be right upfront, i'm not a hipster, or nor can I be found as a regular in that trendy, non-conformist, used record store downtown (even though Fascinating Rhythm in Nanaimo did directly benefit from my weekly paycheques), but I digress, more on this idea another time. Where was I, oh ya, as a teenager I was into music. I always wanted to be involved with music. I can even remember thinking I wanted to always wanted be up to date with new bands and sounds. Ah, the idealism of youth. What happened?  You can guess, life happened.  I am still involved with music, in fact I am a high school music teacher, but I am no longer there with my fingers on the pulse of what is going on in popular music, but I'm okay with that.

So why then this blog? Well, for a long time now I have been wanting to be creative and get into sharing my ideas and thoughts.  Really I just haven't worked up the nerve to try this before. I have to give full props to my wonderful wife on this though. She is so crafty, and I don't completely mean in the sneaky way. She really is good at crafts. She recently started blogging about her ideas and projects, and this has given me a bit of a kick in the pants to give this a try. So here it is, if she can do it, so can I.

Alright, I hope you enjoy this little experiment, the one or two of you that might end up reading this.
Take care for now!

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